Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nikon CoolPix S210 is a PIECE OF CRAP!!

I hope you enjoy the pictures associated with this posting. They were taken with a Brand New Nikon CoolPix S210 camera. I got it on Thursday, took these pictures on a Saturday, and then the camera stopped working on Tuesday. I tried to fix it using comments I got on line, but in the process, I scratched it thus voiding the warrenty. I got online to find that the "Lens Error" problem is very prevelant in the camera. This POS crappy (and realatively inexpensive) no-good NIKON camera should be banned for sale in the USA. The pictures are not even that good as some were blured. The video was not bad, but is was a bit choppy at times. The other pictures are of a party at Grace Christian Academy. Enjoy the pictures of the soccer game. Snacks at the game: $10 New Soccer Shoes: $30 Clark making his first goal of the season: Priceless? No- $179.00 Thanks a pantload Nikon

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