Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Christmas from Saipan!

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Check out all the Christmas pictures and videos!

More Christmas from Saipan

Here are some more pictures. Sorry my camera was trying to adjust to the light. It keeps "clicking". Or maybe that's me!...

Merry Christmas from Saipan!

We had a Great Christmas. I took off early on Christmas Eve. I picked up a pizza and we went to the Suicide Cliffs for a picnic. It was a very nice day with lots of sun and some wind. I pitched some balls to Clark and Doris played with Amaris and the big ball. Every night we would read "The Night before Christmas" and I told them that this was the last night until next year. They woke up in the morning and started tearing into their packages. We played with them the rest of the day. By Wednesday I was worn our so I went back to work to get some rest.