Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nikon CoolPix S210 is a PIECE OF CRAP!!

I hope you enjoy the pictures associated with this posting. They were taken with a Brand New Nikon CoolPix S210 camera. I got it on Thursday, took these pictures on a Saturday, and then the camera stopped working on Tuesday. I tried to fix it using comments I got on line, but in the process, I scratched it thus voiding the warrenty. I got online to find that the "Lens Error" problem is very prevelant in the camera. This POS crappy (and realatively inexpensive) no-good NIKON camera should be banned for sale in the USA. The pictures are not even that good as some were blured. The video was not bad, but is was a bit choppy at times. The other pictures are of a party at Grace Christian Academy. Enjoy the pictures of the soccer game. Snacks at the game: $10 New Soccer Shoes: $30 Clark making his first goal of the season: Priceless? No- $179.00 Thanks a pantload Nikon

Monday, October 20, 2008

Grace Christian Academy Activities

The kid's school, Grace Christian Academy, had a full weekend starting with the Fundraiser dinner on Friday where Clark performed. Also,the "Parade of Nations" on Monday. Clark's class dressed as Cambodian children and Amaris's class dressed as Chinese children. All classes dressed up.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Amaris 4th Birthday

The Lovely Amaris celebrated her 4th Birthday (Sept 29) at home and at Grace Christian Academy. She got some dolls, which she dismembered within a few hours. She also got a Junior Doctor set, which we would hope would help with the dolls. The baloons were the big hit as usual.